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Enabling Environments
At Oaktree Primary School, we understand the impact of a child’s early experiences upon their future learning. Our delivery of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework is rooted in our belief that deep and powerful learning is achieved when children’s natural curiosity is harnessed and when they are provided with stimulating multi-sensory contexts through which to engage with the world in experiential activity.
EYFS Teaching & Learning
Our play-based approaches to learning offer a perfect balance of guidance and choice in achieving desired outcomes.
Student-Teacher Relationships
Our Foundation Stage teachers have a deep and personal relationship with every child. They know where each student is along their developmental journey and cater individualised support to guide their physical, personal, and academic progress in comfortable contexts with the perfect level of challenge to enable each child to meet their fullest potential.
Language development is key to children’s personal, social and academic development. Our teachers understand the nature of language acquisition and the complexities of valuing and enhancing mother-tongue development alongside that of English. We work closely with our parents to support them in language development at home.
Through modeling positive relationships and provision of enabling environments, our specialist FS teachers ensure that our youngest OPS students meet their full potential across all seven areas of the curriculum and that in doing so, they develop new talents and strengthen the ones they already have.
Curriculum Areas
Seven areas of learning in the 2021 EYFS Framework are:
Communication and Language
Physical Development
Personal, Social, and Emotional Development
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Design
The programme provides a firm foundation for the transition to the National Curriculum for England, which children move to in Year 1.
Oaktree Primary also includes Arabic lessons from FS2 to support and develop their native / host language.